Review: UNBROKEN BONDS by J. Bree


J. Bree

SeriesThe Bonds That Tie #6
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Reverse Harem
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 351
Publication date: October 28, 2022

The gods live among us.

I thought that the death of the man who tortured me, broke me, and then hunted me to the ends of the Earth would be the end of our fight; but it’s only the beginning.

After thousands of years of being apart, our god bonds are reunited once again; and they’re not ready to go down without a fight.

They’ve woken up hungry.

All of the research in the world couldn’t have prepared us for what’s to come, enemies and wars fought over millennia. Now we’re being forced to act, but this time, we have the advantage.

This time, we’re Bonded.

Are we strong enough to survive the gods and their plans? Will we ever live in the peaceful world we’ve fought so hard for, or is history doomed to repeat itself?

I’m joining the people disappointed by Unbroken Bonds :/

There were too many questions left unanswered and J. Bree didn’t manage to tackle all of them here. The writing was still engaging, but I felt like there was very little to hold on to since the story seemed to focus more on bits that weren’t the most relevant…

I think the main issue this series had was the overall pacing and world-building twists/reveals. I have a theory that Bree took her time writing books 1 and 2 and then had to rush through writing books 3-6 so they could be released in a timely manner. This meant a lot of subplots got dropped along the way and information that should have been introduced in earlier books were only revealed here.

This meant the final book had too much going on and not enough page time to build things up and develop them as they should have been developed. I would say even some Bonds (specially Gabe and Atlas) got even more sidelined here than they had been before. And there was also the weird choice of rushing through certain scenes that should have had their own time based on what was established in previous books (Silas, the final battle)? Or to have them happen entirely off-page.

The epilogue also left me so underwhelmed??? I couldn’t believe that was the ending after everything that had happened (or not happened) and was how Bree decided to finish the series. I loved loved loved the first two books and enjoyed the third one, but it seems the series lost direction after that. This was, personally, not a satisfying ending at all.



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