
Anticipated Reads:

A monthly feature where I talk about which books I’m most excited to get my hands on. Consists only of books released during each respective months.

If You Like…:

A monthly feature where I make thematic book recommendations based on a book that I love.

To Be Read:

A monthly post that explores my bookish goals and which books I’ll be reading that month.

Top Ten Tuesday:

A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish in which you list 10 books based on a different topic.

WWW Wednesday:

A bi-weekly meme currently hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World of Words where I answer three questions: what books am I currently reading? What did I recently finish reading? What do I think I’ll read next?


A monthly post in which I list all the books I’ve read in those four weeks and give an overview of what has been posted on the blog.


Musing Mondays:

A bi-weekly meme hosted by The Purple Booker where I talk about and discuss bookish topics.