Review: FORCED BONDS by J. Bree


J. Bree

SeriesThe Bonds That Tie #4
Genre: Reverse Harem, Paranormal Romance
Pages: 337
Publication date: March 28, 2022

They say to keep your friends close but your enemies closer;

What if they’re one and the same?

The stable foundation I thought I’d built in the Sanctuary has been ripped away, and I find myself on the front lines of the war against the Resistance. I might have my Bonds on my side, but there are darker schemes in motion.

Can I prove myself and turn the tide to protect our most vulnerable, or am I nothing more than the monster they’ve always claimed I am?

Will we make it out of this without tragic consequences?

“Think. Bigger.”

Okay so! I was a little hesitant to read Forced Bonds since I didn’t love the previous book as much as the first two and… I kind of felt the same about this one. It took me a while to really get into the story again and, because this was such such a plot-focused book, I missed the time Bree usually took to show and develop the friendships and relationships between the characters.

I felt like maybe there was a little too much happening all at once here? And so some plot points didn’t get the attention they deserved. There was Sage, there was the new information about the Bonds, there was Gabe and Nox, there was the power surge from the bondings. All of it was really cool and interesting, but I think it might have been better to stretch that out more instead of packing everything into this book.

About the bondings: I was really glad with how things went, but I couldn’t help but find some of those scenes to be rushed. They didn’t have the emotional impact on me as the previous scenes like that had and I was a bit bummed about it. I did enjoy the aftermath of that, though, with the powers!

There were always so many questions in regard to the Bonds and their Gifts and I loooooved that we got to know more about that here. Special mention goes to Gabe and what happened to him. I had been expecting something like that and I almost started cheering when the “think bigger” scene happened! I was just so so so happy with it and with how Bree wrote it.

I… had issues with the ending. It was, once again, a huuuuuuuuuuge cliffhanger. Yet, I kind of felt like it didn’t hook me as it was supposed to? I guess because, as much as we got to know about that character in this installment, there were still way too many questions about his past and why he is the way he is. So I, personally, felt like I didn’t know him enough to be heartbroken lol I did make me super super curious about what the future holds and how Bree is going to address that (ahd hopefully fix it!) in the next book.




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